Melbourne Water Soil


Key Considerations for “Clean Fill” Designation:

Contaminant Levels: Soil designated as clean fill must satisfy precise benchmarks on contaminants, encompassing heavy metals, hydrocarbons, pesticides, and other potentially hazardous substances. The concentration of pollutants should remain beneath the limits established by regulatory directives issued by EPA Victoria.

Physical Attributes: Clean-fill soil must exhibit a pristine state devoid of discernible debris, including construction residues, rocks, or other non-soil materials.

Environmental Compatibility: Using clean fill soil should not engender ecological or health hazards when employed as fill material within construction and landscaping endeavours. Its use must align with strict environmental and public health standards.


Clean-fill soil is regulated by the EPA of Victoria and meets strict guidelines to ensure no contaminants are present to impact the quality of the soil. There are a number of applications for using Ecoactiv Melbourne Water Soil:

Foundation and Surface Stabilization: Melbourne Water-approved soil is a dependable fill material for construction projects, bolstering the establishment of secure and enduring building foundations and surfaces.

Enhanced Landscaping: Its versatility makes it an ideal choice for landscaping ventures, such as creating garden beds, lush lawns, and inviting recreational areas.

Erosion and Sediment Management: Utilize our approved soil to address erosion and sediment concerns effectively, safeguarding nearby water bodies from harmful pollution.

Environmental Rejuvenation: In the pursuit of ecological restoration, Melbourne Water-approved soil plays a pivotal role in revitalizing deteriorated areas and promoting the overall well-being of ecosystems.

Infrastructure Advancement: This versatile soil is a valuable asset in infrastructure development, providing essential support for road construction, robust embankments, and efficient drainage systems.

Compliance Assurance: By incorporating Melbourne Water-approved soil into your projects, you can rest assured of compliance with local environmental regulations and standards, fostering responsible and sustainable construction practices.

Public Safety Assurance: Choose approved soil to minimize contamination risks and ensure the safety of public health, reflecting a commitment to community well-being in all construction endeavours.


Aligning with Melbourne Water’s Objectives in Soil Management: To ensure your soil management practices are in harmony with Melbourne Water’s objectives, it is crucial to reference local guidelines, suggestions, and initiatives about sustainable landscaping, water preservation, and environmental guardianship. Engaging with local environmental associations, landscaping experts, and water management authorities can yield valuable perspectives on the particular strategies and approaches that offer the most significant advantages for your area.

Water Soil


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