Lawn Mix


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Alternately recognized as lawn soil or lawn blend, lawn mix soil constitutes a meticulously engineered soil mixture with the express purpose of establishing and nurturing robust lawns. It has been meticulously formulated to create optimal growth in an environment of grass, achieving this through the harmonious integration of essential nutrients, efficient drainage properties, and structural integrity.

This fine-grain soil blend is distinguished by a relatively moderate to low organic matter content, ensuring remarkable drainage capabilities, structural stability, and minimal settling when utilized as the foundational lawn layer. These attributes collectively contribute to successfully cultivating and maintaining lush and healthy grass surfaces.


The key applications for utilising Ecoactive Lawn Mix:

Lawn Creation: Ecoactive Lawn Mix is the ideal foundation for seeding or sod installation when creating new lawns. It provides the essential elements needed for lush grass growth.

Lawn Revitalization: Perfect for breathing new life into existing lawns, this mix is your go-to choice for topdressing. It enhances soil structure and fertility, rejuvenating tired and worn-out grassy expanses.

Lawn Restoration: Ecoactive Lawn Mix comes to the rescue for mending bare patches, unsightly divots, and other damaged areas in your lawn, promoting quick and effective recovery.


Ecoactive Lawn Mix key benefits to nurturing thriving gardens and landscapes:

Promotes Lush Plant Growth and Soil Stability: Ecoactive Lawn Mix fosters robust plant growth and ensures soil stability, making it an ideal choice for extensive areas. It shines as a sub-base, enhancing large landscapes, encompassing lawns and garden beds.

Versatile, Free-Draining Soil: This universal soil medium offers exceptional drainage capabilities and finds utility across various landscaping and gardening applications. It facilitates healthy root growth and plant vitality while maintaining optimal soil moisture levels.

Encourages Root Development and Plant Well-being: Ecoactive Lawn Mix supports root development and promotes overall plant health. Its free-draining nature makes it an excellent turf underlay, ensuring lush, thriving lawns.

Guidelines for Optimal Lawn Care with Lawn Mix Soil:
To achieve a thriving lawn with lawn mix soil, it’s imperative to factor in the grass species suited for your area, your local climate conditions, and any regional lawn care advice. Adequate soil preparation and selection are pivotal in establishing and sustaining a vibrant lawn. By perusing product labels, adhering to recommended lawn care practices, and consulting with lawn care specialists, you’ll make informed choices and ensure successful outcomes in your lawn projects.

Lawn Mix


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